Associate Researcher at Center of Automotive Research on Integrated Safety Systems and Measurement Area (CARISSMA)
PhD in Bioenergy (In Progress).
University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brasil.
Thesis: Confidential,
Advisor: Hudson Giovani Zanin.
Co-advisor 01: Hans-Georg Schweiger (THI);
Co-advisor 02: Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(UNIPA).
Scholarship: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brasil.
Master in Systems and Automation Engineering.
Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, Brasil.
Dissertation: Extraction of harmonics, inter and sub-harmonics using independent component analysis, Year of Obtainment: 2019.
Advisor: Dr. Danton Diego Ferreira.
Co-advisor: Dr. Marcelo Antônio Alves Lima.
Scholarship: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brasil.
MBA in Blockchain Applications (In Progress). (Workload: 370h).
Institute of Information Technology Management, IGTI, Brazil.
Specialization in Teaching in Higher Education. (Workload: 500h).
Single Faculty of Ipatinga, FUNIP, Brasil.
Final Work: Challenges of higher education: Education in times of pandemic.
Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais, IFMG, Brasil.
Title: Software for calculating the fuel flow and optimization of the mixture of raw materials and fuels a calcination process..
Advisor: Dr. Ricardo Carrasco Carpio.
Researcher at the Center for Innovation in New Energies - CINE - ENERGY - Division 2 - Advanced Energy Storage.
Member of the Research Group registered with CNPq entitled: ROTA 2030 - Manufacturing of supercapacitor modules and lithium ion batteries for light, medium and heavy electric vehicles, whose coordinator is Prof. Dr. Hudson Giovani Zanin (FEEC/UNICAMP).
Member of the Research Group registered at CNPq entitled: Study Group on Energy Systems and Computational Simulation, whose coordinator is Prof. Dr. Ricardo Carrasco Carpio (IFMG - Campus Arcos).